Over the past few years, every day we increasingly hear about the ecological transition process and sustainability goals: what is this really about?
The critical environmental and climatic conditions of our planet urgently require a rapid transition in terms of adaptation and adjustment in the habits and lifestyles of the entire world's population, from the individual citizen to the large industrial entity.
In order to address not only environmental needs, but to extend its responsibility in terms of Safety, Environmental Efficiency and Corporate Social Responsibility towards its own resources, F.lli Mauri has decided to undertake a training and collaborative route by participating at the “Larian Network for Sustainability” project, a three meetings roadmap promoted by the Como-Lecco Chamber of Commerce in collaboration with the SMART project and Interreg Italy-Switzerland. The three workshop meetings wanted to involve several stakeholders from Como and Lecco, reuniting categories of small and medium-sized enterprises, public administrators, representatives of trade associations and non-profit entities.
The Network meetings objectives concerned the identification of the strengths and weaknesses in the field of ESG (Environment, Social, Governance) of our Larian economic fabric, identifying potential risks and opportunities arising from a future collaborative network and, finally, the creation and development of new projects aiming at economic, social and environmental sustainability objectives for our territory.
We at F.lli Mauri, as entrepreneurs and producers in the Larian area, participated in the three Network workshops by sitting at the “Enterprise” category table and at the “Governance” ESG objectives table, represented by our System Manager Giovanni Tavola.
The roadmap was an opportunity to finally confront each other and engage in dialogue with other local stakeholders from different sectors and categories. We also brought out the real issues and concerns arising from the need to address production processes, business strategies and corporate know-how towards a reality increasingly oriented to environmental sustainability and to the realisation of a diffuse responsible government model - to the benefit of workers and local communities.
From the round tables, great insights and inspirations emerged. Deepening concepts, at the first workshop table “Enterprise”, emerged many points: a request for better collaboration between the local municipalities (adding an active involvement of the Public Administration), the need to establish a common positive Enterprise Culture and the dissemination of good practices of energy efficiency in support of businesses to obtain Sustainability Reports and green certifications.
In the following roadmap meetings, F.lli Mauri also had the opportunity to actively participate in the "Governance" working table, as we believe that - for our production activity - the ESG theme of governance responsibility, protection of internal resources and the creation of a sustainable business culture, are the core principles of F.lli Mauri's mission and values. Entrepreneurs, trade associations and non-profit organisations, each shared their vision about the current situation of Larian socio-economic fabric, identifying consistent and transversal needs and demands.
Firstly, all participants expressed their willingness to establish Sustainability Work Plans, including targets and environmental impact indicators to measure their work and progress on ESG field. In addition, emerged a proposal to set up Sustainability Committees to support small and medium-sized enterprises with supporting platforms. The objective that arised from the stakeholder dialogue was to create a common network of collaboration, within which stakeholders can exchange ideas on good sustainable practices and share projects for the territory valorisation and protection, cooperating in the dissemination of these concepts to the Schools and University world.
Following the end of the third roadmap meeting, we positively conclude this route of dialogue and confrontation with the actors and institutions of our territory.
The project continuation will take place in the second semester 2023, within which the proposals emerged during the working tables on Green, Governance and Social issues will be implemented and outlined.
Us of F.lli Mauri are ready and determined to continue on the road to the constitution of the “Larian Network for Sustainability”, making our contribution in terms of experience, expertise and sharing of our sustainability practices already active internally. What we expect from the next steps of the project will be the opportunity to participate in the realisation of the “worksite projects” emerged from the Network and to collaborate operationally by bringing our added value. This Network project is also an opportunity for F.lli Mauri, thanks to which the comparison with other production sectors stakeholders can increase our experience and deepen our knowledge of the territory.