Management of "Whistleblowing" reports

According to Art. 4 of Legislative Decree 24/2023, F.lli Mauri S.p.A. has adopted a special internal channel for receiving reports of violations of national or European Union regulatory provisions of which the reporter has become aware in a public or private work context, Whistleblowing.

Reports must relate to administrative, accounting, civil or criminal offenses, or any other type of wrongdoing, act or omission expressly provided for in Article 2 of Legislative Decree 24/2023 (decree implementing Directive (EU) 2019/1937).

In order for them to be effective, reports must concern duly substantiated suspicious conduct of administrative, accounting, civil or criminal offenses and irregularities that harm the public interest, of which the reporter has become aware as a result of his or her relationship with F.lli Mauri S.p.A. To allow an accurate verification of the validity of the reported information, reports must be documented in as much detail as possible.

The protection of the confidentiality of the reporter is also guaranteed by the adoption of appropriate technical and organizational security measures that comply with current regulations. All reports are received, viewed and handled exclusively by the appropriate Team, formally committed to confidentiality.

Reportin procedure
F.lli Mauri S.p.A. has set up the following reporting channel:
For more general information on the regulations, please refer to: